06 March 2012


since im sure that tonight i will have my most serious insomnia of all night, i decided to write something here.

the results are coming out TOMORROW. totally freaking out. although i know how my results will be, i still cant help to hope a little. maybe this maybe that everyday... driving me mad.
now at the very last min, i'm blank. total blanco. dont know what to expect already. just not too bad will do
no more emotional outburst on public if it's bad. i need to have some mental preparation for any posibilities. i'm just scared that i will break down again if i got anything really bad on the slip. 20yrs old this year, SO crying at public is like so shameful already. i lost track on counting the times that i've broken down at public. 

so from now on, i must control my own emotions. whatever happens, poker face is the key.
but of course, i dont hope to have these kind of situation happen on me. just in case. my target aint high. but still hard to achieve for me. need alot of luck. need alot of blessing from Guan Yin Jesus Buddha Allah......
i dont know what i'm blabbering now. alot of feelings heaving up.

just HOPE AND PRAY FOR ME. i will thank you deeply for that.


and see you with a smiling face, i hope (:

03 March 2012

how come both of them sounds so similar
