04 March 2010

Control your machine part 2

Machine's getting a litta uncontrolable
Well this time it belongs to my flexes fault: case1 M abt to crash on a car, bt my feet are still stepping on the gas pedal, harder and harder. M was like: oh my god, break break break! while my feet were still on the gas pedal! Thank God, uncle got the emergency break at his site. No harm done, bt m a litta shaken @@ case2 I used both of my foot to step on the break pedal.... Well you can imagine... == case3 The red little old kancil was coughing today. Forgotten abt why bt it's somethg to do vf the stupiad clutch, by me of course >< case4 Parking section's totally exhausting: when turning the steering. I was sweating like hell after that... Stuff ain't going swiftly these days.... Hope bad hare day ll soon be over

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